Steven Koenig
Associate Director
Steven Koenig is the current Associate Director of Project SHARE after serving as SHARE’s Executive Director for nearly 20 years. During the past 24 years, he has worked with diverse partners to develop a nationally recognized habitat restoration program. As a habitat restoration project manager he has completed 300+ restoration projects to date including road/stream crossings, dam removals, natural looking rock/weir fishways, and instream, process-based habitat restoration projects. Steve collaborates with NGOs and resource agencies hosting stream restoration workshops throughout Maine. In 2009 the National Fish Habitat Action Plan recognized Steve with its first national award "for Extraordinary Action in Supporting Fish Habitat Conservation." He was named as an “Endangered Species Recovery Champion” by the USFWS in 2012. He is DEP-certified in Erosion and Sediment Control Practices and trained by the US Forest Service in Natural Stream Channel Design and Engineered Log Structure Design. Steve has a Bachelor of Science degree in cellular biology from the University of Michigan and has studied oceanography and limnology at the University of Wisconsin and fish physiology at West Virginia University.